Friday, 12 December 2014

Typography Analysis

Typography is such a simple editing technique and has to be  eye catching always this is to enable it to stand out from all that is happening in the background , the best way to do this is to incorporate it into the background in a way that the audience will focus primarily on the typography and this can be done through using bold colours or fonts  that also can link to the genre of the movie or by creating a contrast between the titles and the background so the titles become clear to the audience.

 Above is the  title sequence for zombieland  and this is a great example for effective typography and has all the qualities mentioned above from the start the titles are clear ass there are shown in red and this isn't just so the audience an identify the titles but it done purposely to link to the film itself, there are two different font colours  red and white , the red font symbolizes the danger and the blood that the zombies bring in the film and this also gives an insight towards the genre of the film . the white titles are to signify the innocent people are scrambling away for their lives this could also be said that this is why the rules on how to survive are titled in white helping the people survive from the zombies.
In order to make the titling effective  the editing of the typography was made to look like it was part of the scene and an example of this is the picture above the typography stands out enough but not to much that it looks out of place so it being editing to be made like it is part of the scene is very clever and creative.

 Another thing I noticed in terms of the editing of the typography was that the titles would shatter as an innocent person interfered with it , I felt that this was very effective as it portrayed to the audience how much of an affect the zombies had on these people and all the chaos that the zombies are/have been creating.

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